紫藤廬於2022年特別邀請甫於2021歲末獲得第二屆香港水墨會「劉國松水墨藝術獎」優選獎的曾霆羽,此次預備展出《動—移 與之間》曾霆羽當代水墨個展。
For Wistaria’s first solo exhibition of 2022, Movement-Migration and the In-Between, we are honored to invite Tseng Ting-yu, the 2021 recipient of Hong Kong’s prestigious Liu Kuo-sung Ink Art Award – Honourable Mention, to display his award-winning works, as well as some of his new pieces, for the first time in Taiwan.
Tseng’s artistic approach utilizes the interplay of concept, water, and ink with a unique characteristic of Chinese painting, the multi-point perspective, to examine the fluctuations of the self and the other. The shifting viewpoints that arise from this approach are critical to the artist’s imagining of the complex nexus of the self, place, and time. In a sense, Tseng’s work shares the same philosophical and visual concerns of early Cubist painters such as Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp: a heartfelt attempt to visually represent movement through time, while reflecting on the canvas the simultaneous shifts in the viewer’s perspective (an instructive example would be Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase). In this context, Tseng’s oeuvres convey, albeit through a different visual vocabulary, the notions of simultaneity and ongoingness, as well as the themes of movement, exploration and fixity.