2022年5月8日 14:30-16:00 // 19:00-20:30
《無花落 非地平 我走著飛》是紫藤廬40週年“兩代傳情”系列的最後壓軸好戲,由台灣國際著名「上默劇團」的創辦人孫麗翠與她兒子,新生代人氣演員鳳小岳共同表演。孫麗翠的默劇舞蹈,搭配著先生Grant Vaughan與兒子鳳小岳的音樂配奏,結合著傳統與當代藝術元素,呈現一代接著一代的文藝傳承。
The closing act of Wistaria's 40th-anniversary celebration series, The Flowers Have Yet to Fall, From Uneven Ground I Soar features Li-Tsuei Sun and Rhydian Vaughan in a dynamic mother-son duo performance. A homage to both dance and tea, Li-Tsuei's performance will be accompanied by music by the family ensemble of Rhydian (son, guitar) and Grant Vaughan (husband, percussion).
Shang Orientheatre embodies Sun's artistic vision of integrating classical Chinese culture into the art of the mime. Her choreography and storytelling bear the imprint of Ya-Yueh, Chi Gong, folk mythology, and the traditions of Western European performing art.
This spring, enjoy a memorable Mother's Day celebrating tea and art with the Vaughan/Sun family at Wistaria.
活動信息 Event Details
活動日期 Date:5月8日(日),難忘的母親節 An unforgettable Mother's Day
活動地點 Location:紫藤廬大廳
門票 Admission: 800 NTD
活動報名連結 Registration Link:https://linktr.ee/wistariatea